

GeneList is the heart of the GenIE-Sys; this will be the entry point to many of the tools and workflows. Foundation to entire GenIE-Sys database has been designed based on GeneList tables. Tables that are started with gene_ or transcript_ prefixes are considered as GeneList tables. GeneList tables consist of two types of tables according to our vocabulary. The first one is primary tables and the second one is annotation tables. transcript_info and gene_info tables are considered as primary tables and rest of the GeneList tables are known as annotation tables.

Primary tables

There should only be two primary tables (transcript_info and gene_info) in GenIE-Sys database. Primary tables keep basic gene and transcript information. Since the smallest data unit is based on transcript ids or gene ids, all primary tables are used transcript_i/gene_i as a primary key.

Loading data into the primary tables can be easily accomplished using dedicated scripts listed on geniesys/scripts folder. First, we need to find corresponding GFF3 and FASTA files related to the species that we are going to load into the GenIE-Sys.

Creating Primary tables

⚠️ You do not need to create the following tables separately, instead use this script to create all tables at once. Then move to load data into Primary tables section.

#Create transcript_info table
CREATE TABLE `transcript_info` (
  `transcript_id` varchar(60) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `chromosome_name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `transcript_start` int(16) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `transcript_end` int(16) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `strand` varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL,
  `gene_id` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL,
  `description` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
  `gene_i` mediumint(16) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `transcript_i` mediumint(16) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  PRIMARY KEY (`transcript_i`),
  KEY `transcript_id` (`transcript_id`),
  KEY `gene_id` (`gene_id`)
#Describe transcript_info table
mysql> explain transcript_info;
| Field            | Type                   | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| transcript_id    | varchar(60)            | NO   | MUL |         |                |
| chromosome_name  | varchar(20)            | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| transcript_start | int(16) unsigned       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| transcript_end   | int(16) unsigned       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| strand           | varchar(2)             | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| gene_id          | varchar(60)            | YES  | MUL | NULL    |                |
| description      | varchar(1000)          | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| transcript_i     | mediumint(16) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| gene_i           | mediumint(16) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
#Create gene_info table
CREATE TABLE `gene_info` (
  `gene_id` varchar(60) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
  `chromosome_name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `gene_start` int(16) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `gene_end` int(16) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `strand` varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL,
  `description` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
  `peptide_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `gene_i` mediumint(16) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  PRIMARY KEY (`gene_i`),
  KEY `gene_id` (`gene_id`)
#Describe gene_info table
mysql> explain gene_info;
| Field           | Type                   | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| gene_id         | varchar(60)            | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
| chromosome_name | varchar(20)            | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| gene_start      | int(16) unsigned       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| gene_end        | int(16) unsigned       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| strand          | varchar(2)             | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| description     | varchar(1000)          | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| peptide_name    | varchar(50)            | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| gene_i          | mediumint(16) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
#Adding indeices to transcript_info and gene_info tables is important when we update and select tables.
mysql> ALTER TABLE transcript_info ADD INDEX `transcript_id` (`transcript_id`)
mysql> ALTER TABLE transcript_info ADD INDEX `gene_id` (`gene_id`)
mysql> ALTER TABLE gene_info ADD INDEX `gene_id` (`gene_id`)

The following example will show you how to load basic information into the primary tables.

Loading data into Primary tables

head input/Potra01-gene-mRNA-wo-intron.gff3

Potra000001	leafV2	gene	9066	10255	.	-	.	ID=Potra000001g00001;Name=Potra000001g00001;potri=Potri.004G180000,Potri.004G180200
Potra000001	leafV2	mRNA	9066	10255	.	-	.	ID=Potra000001g00001.1;Parent=Potra000001g00001;Name=Potra000001g00001;cdsMD5=71c5f03f2dd2ad2e0e00b15ebe21b14c;primary=TRUE
Potra000001	leafV2	three_prime_UTR	9066	9291	.	-	.	ID=Potra000001g00001.1.3pUTR1;Parent=Potra000001g00001.1;Name=Potra000001g00001.1
Potra000001	leafV2	exon	9066	9845	.	-	.	ID=Potra000001g00001.1.exon2;Parent=Potra000001g00001.1;Name=Potra000001g00001.1
Potra000001	leafV2	CDS	9292	9845	.	-	2	ID=Potra000001g00001.1.cds2;Parent=Potra000001g00001.1;Name=Potra000001g00001.1
Potra000001	leafV2	CDS	10113	10236	.	-	0	ID=Potra000001g00001.1.cds1;Parent=Potra000001g00001.1;Name=Potra000001g00001.1
Potra000001	leafV2	exon	10113	10255	.	-	.	ID=Potra000001g00001.1.exon1;Parent=Potra000001g00001.1;Name=Potra000001g00001.1
Potra000001	leafV2	five_prime_UTR	10237	10255	.	-	.	ID=Potra000001g00001.1.5pUTR1;Parent=Potra000001g00001.1;Name=Potra000001g00001.1
Potra000001	leafV2	gene	13567	14931	.	+	.	ID=Potra000001g00002;Name=Potra000001g00002;potri=Potri.004G179800,Potri.004G179900,Potri.004G180100
Potra000001	leafV2	mRNA	13567	14931	.	+	.	ID=Potra000001g00002.1;Parent=Potra000001g00002;Name=Potra000001g00002;cdsMD5=df49ed7856591c4a62d602fef61c7e37;primary=TRUE

Use GFF3 file and generate source input file to load into gene_info mysql table.

awk '/gene/{split($9,a,"ID=");split(a[2],b,";");print b[1],$1,$4,$5,$7}' FS='\t' OFS='\t' input/Potra01-gene-mRNA-wo-intron.gff3 > input/gene_info.txt
Potra000001g00001	Potra000001	9066	10255	-
Potra000001g00002	Potra000001	13567	14931	+
Potra000002g00003	Potra000002	8029	9534	+
Potra000002g35060	Potra000002	10226	12730	-
Potra000002g00005	Potra000002	19301	25349	-
Potra000002g00006	Potra000002	33101	36247	+
Potra000002g00007	Potra000002	36609	41740	+
Potra000002g31575	Potra000002	42835	43635	+
Potra000002g31576	Potra000002	52539	53036	+
Potra000002g31577	Potra000002	55010	55465	+

Use GFF3 and generate source input file to load into transcript_info mysql table

awk '{if(g3=="gene"){split($9,a,"=");split(a[2],b,";");split(g9,ga,"=");split(ga[2],gb,";");print b[1]"\t"gb[1]"\tDesc\t"$1"\t"$7"\t"g4"\t"g5"\tPAC\tPEP\t"$4"\t"$5};g3=$3;g1=$1;g2=$2;g4=$4;g5=$5;g9=$9}' input/Potra01-gene-mRNA-wo-intron.gff3 > input/transcript_info.txt

results file(transcript_info.txt) looks like following

Potra000001g00001.1	Potra000001g00001	desc	Potra000001	-	9066	10255			9066	10255
Potra000001g00002.1	Potra000001g00002	desc	Potra000001	+	13567	14931			13567	14931
Potra000002g00003.1	Potra000002g00003	desc	Potra000002	+	6593	10325			6593	10325
Potra000002g00003.2	Potra000002g00003	desc	Potra000002	+	6593	10325			6593	10325
Potra000002g00003.3	Potra000002g00003	desc	Potra000002	+	7874	8369			7874	8369
Potra000002g00004.2	Potra000002g00004	desc	Potra000002	-	8395	12794			8395	12794
Potra000002g00004.3	Potra000002g00004	desc	Potra000002	-	9033	12733			9033	12733
Potra000002g00004.1	Potra000002g00004	desc	Potra000002	-	9033	12733			9033	12733
Potra000002g35060.1	Potra000002g35060	desc	Potra000002	-	10226	12730			10226	12730
Potra000002g00005.3	Potra000002g00005	desc	Potra000002	-	19301	21913			19301	21913

Two files are ready for loading into the primary tables. script can be used to load them into the database and script can be found inside geniesys/scripts folder.

#USAGE: sh [table_name] [filename]
#sh transcript_info transcript_info.txt


/usr/bin/mysql --host=localhost --user=$DB_USER --password=$DB_PASS --local_infile=1 --database=$DB <<EOFMYSQL
load data local infile '$2' replace INTO TABLE $1 fields terminated by '\t' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' ignore 0 lines;

Following two lines will load transcript_info.txt and gene_info.txt files into respective tables.

#Load above generated source file into gene_info table
./ gene_info gene_info.txt

#Load previously generated source file into transcript_info table
./ transcript_info transcript_info.txt

Now we just need to fill the description column in gene_info and transcript_info tables. Therefore, we need files similar to following example.

#head potra_transcript_description.txt
Potra000001g00001.1	Germin-like protein subfamily 1 member
Potra000001g00002.1	Germin-like protein
Potra000002g00003.1	uncharacterized protein LOC105113244
Potra000002g35060.1	Pyruvate, phosphate dikinase regulatory
Potra000002g00005.3	Gibberellin 2-beta-dioxygenase
Potra000002g00005.2	Gibberellin 2-beta-dioxygenase
Potra000002g00005.1	Gibberellin 2-beta-dioxygenase
Potra000002g00005.5	Gibberellin 2-beta-dioxygenase
Potra000002g00005.4	Gibberellin 2-beta-dioxygenase
Potra000002g00006.5	DnaJ homolog subfamily

#head potra_gene_description.txt
Potra000001g00001	Germin-like protein subfamily 1 member
Potra000001g00002	Germin-like protein
Potra000002g00003	uncharacterized protein LOC105113244
Potra000002g35060	Pyruvate, phosphate dikinase regulatory
Potra000002g00005	Gibberellin 2-beta-dioxygenase
Potra000002g00006	DnaJ homolog subfamily
Potra000002g00007	Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase
Potra000002g31575	uncharacterized protein LOC105115090
Potra000002g31576	conserved unknown protein
Potra000002g31577	conserved unknown protein

There is a script called in geniesys/scripts folder. The script looks like following.



# if less than two arguments supplied, display  error message
        if [  $# -le 0 ]
                echo  "\nUsage:\n$0 ${start}[gene_info/transcript_info] [file_name]${end}\nEx: ${start_2}sh transcript_info/gene_info potra_description.tsv${end}\n\nWhat it does?\n${start_0}This script will create a two columns(ids, description) temporary table and load the [file_name] into it.\nThen it will match ids column in temporary table with transcript_ids/gene_ids and update the gene/transcript description.\nFinally delete the temporary table.\n${end}"
                exit 1

table_name=$(echo $1 | awk '{split($0,a,"_");print a[1]}');
/usr/bin/mysql --host=localhost --user=$DB_USER --password=$DB_PASS --local_infile=1 --database=$DB<<EOFMYSQL
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_tb(gene_name VARCHAR(60),annotation VARCHAR(1000));
load data local infile '$2' replace INTO TABLE tmp_tb fields terminated by '\t' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' ignore 0 lines;
UPDATE $1 INNER JOIN tmp_tb on tmp_tb.gene_name = $1.$tmp_field_name SET $1.description = tmp_tb.annotation;

We can use script to load description into gene_info and transcript_info tables.

#Load gene description
./ gene_info potra_transcript_description.txt

#Load transcript description
./ transcript_info potra_gene_description.txt

Finally update the gene_iin transcript_info table using



#USAGE: sh

/usr/bin/mysql --host=localhost --user=$DB_USER --password=$DB_PASS --local_infile=1 --database=$DB <<EOFMYSQL
create temporary table add_gene_i(gene_i MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, genename VARCHAR(40));
INSERT INTO add_gene_i(genename) select DISTINCT(gene_id) from transcript_info;
UPDATE transcript_info INNER join add_gene_i ON add_gene_i.genename = transcript_info.gene_id SET transcript_info.gene_i = add_gene_i.gene_i;
drop temporary table add_gene_i;

Run the following command


Annotation tables

Whenever a user needs to integrate new annotation field into the GeneList, it is possible to create a new table which is known as the annotation table. The user can create as many annotation tables depend on their requirements.

Loading data into the annotation tables can be easily done using corresponding scripts listed on geniesys/scripts folder. First, we need to create the source file to fill the annotation table. The source file should contain two fields. The first field should be either a gene_id or transcript_id and the other fields should be the annotation.

Load data into transcript_[go/pfam/kegg] tables

#Let's assume, if we have Best BLAST results similar to following example.
Potra000001g00001.1 AT5G39130.1
Potra000001g00002.1 AT5G39130.1
Potra000002g00003.1 AT4G21215.2
Potra000002g00005.1 AT4G21200.1 ATGA2OX8,GA2OX8
Potra000002g00005.2 AT4G21200.1 ATGA2OX8,GA2OX8
Potra000002g00005.3 AT4G21200.1 ATGA2OX8,GA2OX8
Potra000002g00005.4 AT4G21200.1 ATGA2OX8,GA2OX8
Potra000002g00005.5 AT4G21200.1 ATGA2OX8,GA2OX8
Potra000002g00006.1 AT1G61770.1
Potra000002g00006.2 AT1G61770.1

Now we need to create a MySQL Annotation table to load Best BLAST results.

#Create transcript_atg table
CREATE TABLE `transcript_atg` (
  `transcript_id` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
  `atg_id` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
  `description` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
  `transcript_i` mediumint(16) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`transcript_i`),
  KEY `transcript_id` (`transcript_id`),
  KEY `atg_id` (`atg_id`)

#We will load above file into following table.
mysql> explain transcript_atg;
| Field         | Type                   | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| transcript_id | varchar(60)            | NO   | MUL | NULL    |       |
| atg_id        | varchar(60)            | NO   | MUL | NULL    |       |
| description   | varchar(1000)          | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| transcript_i  | mediumint(16) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Previous script can be used to load Best BLAST results to transcript_atg table.

./ transcript_atg potra_transcript_atg.txt

Finally update the transcript_i in transcript_atg table using following script.


#USAGE sh transcript_potri
display_usage() {
        echo  "\nUsage:\n$0 [table_name] \n"

# if less than one arguments supplied, display usage
        if [  $# -le 0 ]
                exit 1
/usr/bin/mysql --host=localhost  --user=$DB_USER --password=$DB_PASS --local_infile=1 --database=$DB <<EOFMYSQL
UPDATE $1 INNER JOIN transcript_info on transcript_info.transcript_id = $1.transcript_id SET $1.transcript_i = transcript_info.transcript_i;

Run the following command to update transcript_i

./ transcript_atg

Load data into gene_[go/pfam/kegg] tables

Although it is recommended to have all the annotation are based on transcript IDs, sometimes we may have annotation with gene IDs. Following example will show you how to load gene ID-based annotation files into GenIE-Sys database.

Load data into gene_[go/pfam/kegg] tables

#Let's assume, if we have annotation file similar to following example.
Potra000001g00001   GO:0008565      protein transporter activity
Potra000001g00001   GO:0031204      posttranslational protein targeting to membrane, translocation
Potra000002g00006   GO:0005634      nucleus
Potra000002g00005   GO:0003677      DNA binding
Potra000002g00005   GO:0003824      catalytic activity
Potra000002g00006   GO:0015031      protein transport
Potra000002g00006   GO:0006457      protein folding
Potra000001g00002   GO:0003852      2-isopropylmalate synthase activity
Potra000001g00002   GO:0009098      leucine biosynthetic process
Potra000002g00008   GO:0008312      7S RNA binding

As you see in the above example, one gene ID associated with several Gene ontology IDs. Therefore, we need to format the above results in the right format. Following script can be used. Now we need to create MySQL Annotation table to load GO results.

#!/usr/bin/env python
def parse(file, store):
        f = open(file, 'r')
        dic = {}
        for i in f:
                i = i.strip("\n")
                val = i.split("\t")
                        dic[val[0]] = dic[val[0]] + ";"+ val[1]+"-"+val[2]
                except KeyError:
        f = open(store, 'w')
        for i in dic.keys():
                string = i+"\t"+dic[i]+"\t0"

if __name__=="__main__":
        import sys
        if len(sys.argv) > 1:
                file = sys.argv[1]
                store = sys.argv[2]
                parse(file, store)
                sys.exit("No input")

Then the output will be similar to following.

Potra000001g00001	GO:0008565-protein transporter activity;GO:0031204-posttranslational protein targeting to membrane, translocation 0
Potra000001g00002	GO:0003852-2-isopropylmalate synthase activity;GO:0009098-leucine biosynthetic process  0
Potra000002g00005	GO:0003677-DNA binding;GO:0003824-catalytic activity  0
Potra000002g00008	GO:0008312-7S RNA binding 0
Potra000002g00006	GO:0005634-nucleus  0
Potra000002g00006	GO:0015031-protein transport;GO:0006457-protein folding 0

Now we need to create a table to load newly generated annotation data.

#Create gene_go table
CREATE TABLE `gene_go` (
  `gene_id` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
  `go_description` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL,
  `gene_i` mediumint(16) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`gene_id`),
  KEY `gene_id` (`gene_id`)

#We will load above file into following table.
mysql> explain gene_go;
| Field          | Type                   | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| gene_id        | varchar(60)            | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| go_description | varchar(2000)          | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| gene_i         | mediumint(16) unsigned | YES  |     | 0       |       |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Previousy used script can be used to load go_gene results to gene_go table.

./ gene_go gene_go.txt

Finally update the gene_i in gene_go table using following script.



#USAGE sh gene_go
display_usage() {
        echo  "\nUsage:\n$0 [table_name] \n"

# if less than one arguments supplied, display usage
        if [  $# -le 0 ]
                exit 1

/usr/bin/mysql --host=localhost  --user=$DB_USER --password=$DB_PASS --local_infile=1 --database=$DB <<EOFMYSQL
UPDATE $1 INNER JOIN transcript_info on transcript_info.gene_id = $1.gene_id SET $1.gene_i = transcript_info.gene_i;

Run the following command to update gene_i

./ gene_go


  1. Download the file and unzip into the plugins directory.

  2. Edit database details in services/settings.php file.


Navigate to http://[your server name]/geniesys/genelist

Last updated