
We recommended using Firefox or Google Chrome web browsers for the testing of the GenIE-Sys. Please do not use Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer.

Manual installation of the following softwares and packages are not needed for the Docker based GenIE-Sys installation. However. following softwares and packages will be needed when you do the standalone Apache based GenIE-Sys installation.

User should know how to open the terminal and installation of Docker and Git softwares.

  • Docker

  • Git

To run GenIE-Sys we recommend your host supports the following

  • PHP version 5.2+

  • MySQL version 5.6+ or MariaDB version 10.0+

To fulfil the above requirements, we have tested the GenIE-Sys under the following infrastructures.


  • Apache, PHP and MySQL standalone servers


Here are the required Perl packages for BLAST plugin. Manual installation of these plugins needed only when you use the MAMP based installation.

# version of the Perl
Perl v5.2 or higher is needed

# required packages
               Bio::Coordinate     *   "VERSION: 1.007001"
                Bio::FeatureIO     *   "VERSION: 1.6.905"
       Bio::SearchIO::blastxml     *   "VERSION: 1.70"
                           DBI     *   "VERSION: 1.643"
                       GD::SVG     *   "VERSION: 0.33"

You can use the following command to test the version of the Perl and the installed packages.

$perl -h
$for M in `perldoc -t perllocal|grep Module |sed -e 's/^.*" //'`; do V=`perldoc -t perllocal|awk "/$M/{y=1;next}y" |grep VERSION |head -n 1`; printf "%30s %s\n" "$M" "$V"; done |sort

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